Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Zen Painting

Zen is not only about thinking and perceiving life, it's also about expressing yourself. I'm fortunate to be able to paint and draw what I want. But learning to paint in such away that express your peaceful and quiet mind is a unique experience to me. After a long time thinking and experimenting, I have figured out some points about the Zen way of painting. In this post, I would like to share it in a simple and concise manner for who are interested in.

First: It's all about starting with some feeling or thought which is nurtured in you for a long time. And you don't want to express it by words. Words are easy and words are limited. Words do not touch the soul as the way the vision do and you can only use the words in dictionary. The combination of colors, curves, strokes and depth make a limitless language. Understanding that, give you a clear perception of painting as a way of expressing: you utilize a limitless language to express something that you know better than anyone else: you.

{This is an on going work, I will put more in this when I have time. But any feedback at this point is welcome}

The painting is this post is one of my work during discovering this process.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Tips for successful freshwater aquarium

Keeping a freshwater aquarium would bring lots of joy. However, to make sure that both you and the fish (it's all about the fish - that's been a popular motto of fish-keepers for a long time), some disciplines are needed. I would like to share with you some of my experiences which will help you to avoid some of confusion at the beginning.

1. Patient: Things need time. Dont' hurry. Wait as instructed.
2. Fish compatibility is key. Don't mix fish that will eat or bite each other.
3. Frequent water change: Ideally, 2 times a week, each time 25~50% water.
4. Bring home strong and healthy fish.
5. Start with hardy fish: avoid fish don't have scales.
6. Have at least two for each kind of fish so that the fish don't feel lonely.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Morning and Night Routine

Having a routine for morning and night helps making our lives stayed on the right track automatically. In that regard, I research around the Internet as well as put my own thought in, and bellow is the first version for my morning and night routine:

  1. Wake up at XX:XX AM
  2. Drink water
  3. Walk or stretch for 10 minutes
  4. Set 3 Most Important Things for today (One is toward long-term goal)
  5. Meditate for 10 minutes
  6. Fix lunch
  7. Eat breakfast with tea
  8. Write short morning journal
  9. Shower
  10. Go to work

  1. Starting at XX:XX PM
  2. List things needed to be prepared for next early morning
  3. Finish as many as possible from above list
  4. Meditate for 15 minutes
  5. Write short evening journal
  6. Brush teeth
  7. Go to bed and read a boring book till feeling asleep

I also make a PDF file having above lists put nicely together (there are two quotes to motivate you as well). Feel free to download and use it for yourself. Here is the link.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

How to sit

I found out this very good video clip which instructs the basic techniques of sitting. The beginners should follow this at first.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

My Zazen

Today, The World is full of information, and people have plenty of tasks to handle.

How many time we ask ourself how great it is if we just need to handle one task at a time, or reading or watching one piece of information at a time. It seems to be impossible, right?

I have faced the same above problem. It took me a while to find out that zazen can help.

The fact is: Yes, we can handle just one thing at a time. The only thing that prevent us from being able to do so is our mind. Our minds often juggling things that we have to care or worry about. And keeping juggling things like that will make us soon tired and stress. Zazen give us the ability to put things aside, and handle them one by one, at each moment, everyday.

In a nutshell, practicing Zazen give us the ability to focus at any moment. That sounds simple, but it is much harder in reality. By siting crossed-leg, trying to focus our mind for 20 or 30 minutes everyday, we try to improve our ability to focus. And gradually, we will become more productive and have less stress.

This blog, is a place for me to share with you my experience and practice. Please feel free to ask questions, I would gladly to answer. Or even better, if you have a story about your own experience, please share.


* In the next article, I will write about the basic practice of Zazen.
* The picture in this post is of Kodo Sawaki