Zen is not only about thinking and perceiving life, it's also about expressing yourself. I'm fortunate to be able to paint and draw what I want. But learning to paint in such away that express your peaceful and quiet mind is a unique experience to me. After a long time thinking and experimenting, I have figured out some points about the Zen way of painting. In this post, I would like to share it in a simple and concise manner for who are interested in.
First: It's all about starting with some feeling or thought which is nurtured in you for a long time. And you don't want to express it by words. Words are easy and words are limited. Words do not touch the soul as the way the vision do and you can only use the words in dictionary. The combination of colors, curves, strokes and depth make a limitless language. Understanding that, give you a clear perception of painting as a way of expressing: you utilize a limitless language to express something that you know better than anyone else: you.
{This is an on going work, I will put more in this when I have time. But any feedback at this point is welcome}
The painting is this post is one of my work during discovering this process.